Here it is, friends! Our final official Behind the Scenes post!! (I forgot to post one in 2016 so this one is a compilation of the past two years of weddings and engagement sessions.) As I’ve said in my earlier (way earlier) posts, I love that we document these days because really, for awhile these were like dates for us. Our weekends and weeknights were dominated with traveling to the Cities and beyond for sessions and weddings and meetings. (When I look at our calendar from previous years, I can’t believe we made it through some months!)
I had so much fun looking through these. Typically when I’m going through a wedding and I see a photo of Paul and I, I’ll just throw it in a folder labeled BTS. I only come back to them when I’m ready to create these posts and clearly, since I haven’t done one since 2015, I don’t even remember taking or seeing half of these photos! Most were a treat to see, some made me shake my head at my facial expressions, and others made me slightly sad that this is really the end. It really is bittersweet but I’m still excited for what our future holds and I have to say, we’ve made some truly wonderful memories in this career. The people alone, the friends we’ve made – what can I say? You’ve made it quite worthwhile. And you’re the reason why quitting is so bitter. But! I’m thrilled we have these photos and any time I’m feeling homesick for weddings I definitely have enough photos to relive my favorite moments. :) (I’m having a glass of wine as I write this so it’s becoming more sentimental than I had imagined…oops. :))
So anyways friends, here we go – a chance to laugh at Paul and I, to see what things look like from our side of the camera, and to see what it looks like when there’s no wind to make a veil fly perfectly in the air. There’s a lot of us simply checking our light, or primping our brides and grooms, or just sneaking up on each other in the middle of a shot. I hope you enjoy it and again, thank you to all of you. You’re the knees to the bees. xoxo
The cute baby face! I forget what he looks like without facial hair!
Just smoosh yourselves together, please.
Meg!! Paul had knee surgery last year and Meg helped me out with a couple of weddings. :)
Oh, so much fun with these two!!
My goodness, I’m lucky. :)
Did I really have that long of hair?! Who knew.
Taken just this past Friday at our LAST WEDDING!!
I don’t feel like I have to hide my weird photos from you anymore.
This was an early session – that’s the sun rising, not setting. But we got coffee afterwards so it made it all better. :)
Meg again!!
In case you were wondering, Paul is my wind.
A horse at an engagement session! And he was the same horse that would pull this bride and groom on their wedding day! :)
Hahaha we laughed a lot this past Friday. Andre and Ellen are too stinkin’ funny. Andre may have just almost fallen out of that chair at this moment. (And instead of helping him, I just laugh.)
Yep. Nice face.
Paul had a good time with the fish on Friday.
How to Cut a Cake 101.
Seriously, he loved those tanks.
A surprise, freezing, Rice Park proposal. Just getting our lighting set up before Tom and Dana came walking by. :)
Paul’s being replaced.
Love these two. :) They gave this photo framed as a gift to us – it’s on our nightstand so we can see them every night. Not creepy at all. :)
Here comes his weird faces! I’m not the only one.
Still laughing and not helping.
More perfect wind. (Tracy, you’re gorgeous.)
I was also smitten with the animals this past Friday.
Meg again! Just getting a room ready before Leah gets in her dress!
He’s always too happy.
One of my gorgeous brides from 2013!! Time flies.
Paul wore “my blue” as a tribute to our last wedding. Nice boy.
Aye carumba.
Apparently there was no wind this day.
Andre loves his GQ poses. (We all have the same last name now!!)
That chair was dangerous as it had just kicked Andre off of it two minutes prior to this.
:) :) :)
:) :) :)
We have the same last name!! :) Love this girl!
Pretending to get proposed to in the middle of the path.
So thankful someone got this photo of us. Love this boy to death and so happy he was on this beautiful ride with me these past 5 years. Cheers, friends! :) xoxo