I'm Nikki, a creative old soul who loves tea time, tip-toeing through gardens, mounds of books, swaying to records, watercolors, sunset walks with our three yorkies, and star-gazing with Paul. This blog carries snippets of my life with just us two (five with Rusty, Lucy, & Ethel) - I hope it brings you happiness as you snuggle in with something warm and delicious and begin reading. Enjoy, friends!

the blog!

If I had to choose:

Books, Gardens, and More Books

I wish I had something more specific to talk to you about today, but really, I think this blog is becoming more and more of just an online journal with photos – a little of this, a little of that, and hopefully somewhat entertaining for you. :)

What can I tell you? Life has been somewhat hectic for me these past couple of weeks (actually months but it feels like a fresh start of chaos with this new job). I’m finding that I barely have time for anything – I come home somewhat early but there always seems to be something going on, something to catch up on, or I’m just plain exhausted. However, I did survive my very first week of school and I have to say, I do love it quite a bit. Friends, my job involves reading books, buying new books, repairing old and worn books, laminating book covers, stamping due dates, decorating a library, and talking to kids. It sounds glorious and it is glorious. 

I do miss this little guy though. He’s my world and I know we’re his and there’s only so many days in his short life that sometimes I feel guilty for leaving him all day. But, as soon as we walk in the door, all is forgotten and I know he forgives me as he sneezes in my face and his butt almost falls off from excessive wagging. Summer vacations will be our days together again; we’ll sleep in, bask in the sun, chase butterflies, water the garden, take walks, and snuggle by the bonfire. (I painted me and Rust below, if I were still a little girl and had red hair. :)) 

We have all the windows open today – finally. The weather has been so wet, humid, and mosquitoe-y lately and I just absolutely hate it. I love the rain, but the humidity and bugs can go. Bring on the fall weather, the boots, sweaters, apple cider, baking pumpkins, candles, blankets, and crispy fall paths. I’m debating on decorating for fall today or tomorrow…we have old friends coming over tonight for dinner and maternity photos! I cannot wait to see them! We haven’t seen them in almost 6 years…is that right?! Oh gosh. So, we’re preparing for a wonderful night catching up over good food, good music, and fall-like weather.

And since winter is slowly creeping towards us, Paul and I have been preparing our yard for next spring already. We’ve finally decided to expand our vegetable garden and create a really beautiful, more convenient, picket fence garden!! Complete with a little gate!! Friends, I cannot WAIT. I’ve been wanting some sort of picket fence in my life for so long and I’m so excited we’re actually doing this. We bought our little tiller and Paul was out there for a few hours tilling away under the apple tree and near the lilacs while the sun slowly went down. I kept him company, of course, rooting for him from the sidelines and doing a little backseat tilling (I can’t help it sometimes – it’s like word vomit). It needs a couple more rounds on it (we think – we’re new at all this so we’re going with the flow) and then we’re planning on planting garlic before winter comes. Then by spring, we should (crossing my fingers!!) be ready to put up the picket fence. It’s going to be a long, tiring ordeal however, because not only are we doing that, we’ll also be tearing down our deck and creating a concrete patio lined with yet another picket fence. So, next spring shall bring lots of changes, lots of improvements, and lots of happy dances from yours truly. :) We have a long list of things we want to try in the garden and I’ve been reading up on homesteading a lot (this book is my favorite – it’s in depth, has drawings, and a huge variety of gardening ideas) and someday, we hope to buy a lot of land to really do the farming thing right. :) We’ve even talked of getting chickens (not to eat of course – I plan on naming my chickens! Henrietta, Betsy, Mabel…), and maybe even some fluffy, white, baaaaaa-ing lambs. To dream…

Well, I think I’ve talked enough to you – I’m sure you’ve got things to do on this blessed Saturday and so do I! We went to my nephew’s soccer game earlier this morning – his very first one! – and Paul’s out mowing the lawn, and now the meatballs need to be made for tonight’s dinner. So good friends, I bid you adieu and I shall talk to you soon. :) Have a wonderful rest of your weekend!! xoxo

  1. nikki,
    so excited for your picket fence projects…hope you get some time in your new busy schedule to do what you love and catch up on all those activities us kindred spirits love so much :)

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