I'm Nikki, a creative old soul who loves tea time, tip-toeing through gardens, mounds of books, swaying to records, watercolors, sunset walks with our three yorkies, and star-gazing with Paul. This blog carries snippets of my life with just us two (five with Rusty, Lucy, & Ethel) - I hope it brings you happiness as you snuggle in with something warm and delicious and begin reading. Enjoy, friends!

the blog!

If I had to choose:

Give Yourself a Hug | Hygge Living

Happy Sunday, friends!

Right now I’m sitting at our kitchen table looking out into the cold while Frank sings to me. Paul’s upstairs watching football and Rusty’s snuggling with his new plaid stuffed animal (a gift from his best friend, Harley, who lives across the street). My mind still thinks it’s morning so I’m listening to it and not getting out of my jammies and bathrobe. The mind wants what the mind wants and I shan’t complain. “Lunch” was breakfast and I’m cheating on my teapots with my second cup of delicious chocolate and hazelnut coffee. It’s divine, especially when the kitchen and dining room floors are so cold from the snow outside, and the skies are gray and dreary while ice forms on the windows. So I stay cocooned inside.

Now that the excitement of Christmas and New Years is over, it’s time to get back to hunkering down and creating coziness wherever I go. I might be a little late in learning about this absolutely wonderful way of living, but hygge is taking over our house and it’s slowly seeping into my mind on a daily basis. Have you heard about it, friends? I’m so glad it’s an actual thing because now I have a name for what I’ve been trying to do with our home and life for the past 5 years. (I must give my Scandinavian roots proper credit.) I’m not crazy for truly believing that soft light, candles, books, and tea can make a heart happy – there’s now proof!

So that’s what we’ve been doing here all winter long. Lamp light instead of ceiling lights, fireplace on (fake, but still radiates happy thoughts), candles lit, record player on, throws and blankets on every chair and couch, comfy sweaters to wear (even for Rusty – his new Mickey Mouse sweater just came in – cuteness overload), warm delicious drinks like mulled wine, mochas, or tea, and sitting down together to chat over meals. Our talks start from everyday things (“Rusty hasn’t gotten out of his house all day”) and usually end up with excitement over our life dreams and goals (“So we’re taking a ship over to England and Ireland? Within the next few years?”). One must have dreams, how else can one live?? And if you can dream with your partner or spouse, well then I just think nothing can get in your way.

Getting into the true spirit of the hygge life, we’ve even started making our own candles and it’s been fantastic. It was Paul’s idea really, because I tend to go through candles pretty quickly, especially when I found out how much I loved painting by candlelight. :) 

Yesterday when I got back from spending the day in the Cities with my family, I was greeted by a brand new batch of cinnamon vanilla candles that Paul had made. He just keeps making me fall for him.The little flickering friends now keep us company wherever we go in the house which I think gives us at least an A- in living a hygge life. Every candle and every page turned in a worn and loved book are virtual hugs.

Because in this world, sometimes you need hugs on a daily basis. I login to Facebook and negativity saturates the “trending” stories. I read people’s comments and I just shake my head at all the anger, name-calling, and unkindness. I hear people at work, at the grocery store, or just passing on the street with unnecessary negativity. And sometimes friends and family (and even myself) aren’t excluded from unkindess or anger. And when it all gets to be too much, one has to protect themselves. Remember what it’s like to think like a child and treat yourself as one. Take care of your body, your heart, and your mind. Be gentle with your thoughts, words, and actions towards others and yourself. Fill your home and heart with things that make your heart flutter. Read books that clear your eyes and mind. Create something you love every time you see it. Speak with gentleness and hope. And most importantly, surround yourself with people who make you feel good – not those that cloud your mind. Give yourself some virtual hugs this winter season and every season. :)

The sky is getting darker and the candles are burning brighter. I’m still in my jammies and bathrobe and my coffee mug is happily drained. It’s back to work tomorrow, shuffling around bookcases and unpacking brand new, beautiful books. We’re decorating for the winter season and the theme is cozy coffee mugs, snowflakes, and Warming Up To a Good Book. I pull out our TV every morning before the sun is even up, and play calming videos throughout the day while Mozart and Hans Zimmer serenade us. The hygge life is alive and well in our home and even my library. Try it, friends. You’ll love it, I just know it. :) xoxo

  1. Toni says:

    I love you guys. Beautiful paintings on this blog post, Nik! Great message in this post. You’re right, surround yourself with people who make you feel good. I’ll be seeing more of you and Paul soon! ? I’ve got Paul’s candle lit now watching some good old Andy Griffith. Life is grand! Love you!

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