I'm Nikki, a creative old soul who loves tea time, tip-toeing through gardens, mounds of books, swaying to records, watercolors, sunset walks with our three yorkies, and star-gazing with Paul. This blog carries snippets of my life with just us two (five with Rusty, Lucy, & Ethel) - I hope it brings you happiness as you snuggle in with something warm and delicious and begin reading. Enjoy, friends!

the blog!

If I had to choose:

Snippets From San Diego | 2017

It seems like yesterday we were waking in the early hours of the morning, saying good-bye to Rusty (tearful on my part), and jetting off to the sunshine and ocean views of San Diego. My Nana and Grandpa have been vacationing there ever since I can remember, wisely escaping the wrath of Minnesota winters. Before this year I couldn’t understand why they would ever want to leave Minnesota. Perhaps as I’m getting older I’m slowly understanding the appeal of the “snowbird” life and maybe eventually we’ll follow in their footsteps. It was certainly hard leaving them after only 5 days together and I’ve definitely felt pangs of homesickness for the carefree days we had, exploring bits and pieces of their 6-month hometown.

From venturing out at sunset to Old Town for margaritas and tacos, to ocean-side drinks and people watching, to sunsets on dangerous cliffs, to wearing sweaters while eating apple pie in the mountains, this trip has me by the heart. We couldn’t have asked for more welcoming hosts. Nana had the fridge stocked with all sorts of food – fruit galore, Easter Pizzas (quite the delicacy), key limes pies, wine, beer, hashbrowns. They wanted to show us only the best places in San Diego, taking us to BBQ food and old-fashioned ice-cream and eventually all the way up in the mountains to the best apple pie my Grandpa’s ever had. We stayed up late talking, laughing, telling stories, drinking and reminiscing, until finally us young kids would pass out from sleepiness. (We’re not used to staying up late and walking everywhere – those two are like the Energizer bunny.)

As soon as the plane landed in Minnesota, we couldn’t help but want to turnaround and go back. These trips to visit them continues to remind me how lucky we are to have the relationship we have with them. If you’re lucky enough to have your grandparents around, give them a big hug, ask for a story, and take some time to just be with them. Hugs and kisses to you, Nana and Gramps! Welcome back to Minnesota!! :) xoxo

PS. I decided to leave my big camera at home this time. I wanted to see what my phone could do and my goodness, I was not disappointed. All of these photos are taken with my phone and then lightly edited through a program on my phone as well. Next blog post (Thursday’s!) will be on some tips and tricks when using your phone for photos! Stay tuned, friends! :) (Music as you scroll? Of course!)

Old Town is such a unique and beautiful place – if you’re ever in the area, spend an evening walking around, sip some margaritas, and get lost in the beautiful Mexican culture.

Nana and Gramps enjoying some fruity drinks. :)

There we were, eating chips and spicy salsa, and sipping drinks, and then all of a sudden a live band began playing as the sun sank.

I just love the background and everything about this place.

Isn’t it lovely?!

A rose-covered gate.

One of the days we spent with just the two of us. We stayed at Nana and Gramps’ house the whole trip, but while they went to the flea markets we decided to let fate be our guide and we just explored.

Oh the blues. :)

We decided to start the day at Balboa Park.

We roamed through old buildings…

…through beautiful, sweet-smelling gardens…

…into a conservatory…

…and then found our way to the beach. More drinks!

We walked the boardwalk, got some ice-cream, and watched the waves crash in…

…and then it was time to watch the sunset. I had a goal on this trip: to watch the sunset over the ocean. That’s all I’ve ever wanted, really.

So we drove to Sunset Cliffs (how appropriate of a name). All along the walk to the cliffs were signs saying “Dangerous. Keep away.” Clearly, people would rather watch a sunset.

Goodness. What a view.

That night I wanted to find somewhere special to eat. You know when the most perfect day is happening and you just want to keep the perfectness going? That was how I felt. So we did it. We found an adorable restaurant in a bustling part of town. We ate on the patio with twinkle lights, hanging baskets, and French music playing. We ate duck and delicious comfort foods, and cheered with our wine and beer.

The next day we drove a bit to visit my Uncle Buck, Nana’s older brother.

He’s such a wonderful, warm, adorable man. So grateful we got to visit him and see his home. :)

And then we took a trip to the mountain town of Julian. We were their chauffeurs the entire trip (Paul gets carsick). :)

I learned something about myself on this mini road trip: I don’t care for heights. I love rollercoasters and all that jazz, but driving up in the mountains and overlooking the cliffs made me extremely anxious. Who knew?!

The cutest little town with the sweetest little pie shop. We had lunch at Julian Pie Company (soup, sandwiches, and pie), strolled along the streets, shopped at the most adorable tearoom (see the next photo), and smelled the sweet-smelling scent of lilacs blooming recklessly over picket fences. I left a bit of my heart in that town.

Just a couple of gals trying on hats and trying to convince ourselves we need everything in this store. :)

And that was our darling trip to San Diego. We miss it already, but we’re planning for our next big trip…DISNEYWORLD!! To say I’m excited is a bit of an understatement. :) Until we meet again, dear friends. Happy Monday. :)

  1. Taunya says:

    These are all so wonderful!!

  2. Mom says:

    Nice ?

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