I'm Nikki, a creative old soul who loves tea time, tip-toeing through gardens, mounds of books, swaying to records, watercolors, sunset walks with our three yorkies, and star-gazing with Paul. This blog carries snippets of my life with just us two (five with Rusty, Lucy, & Ethel) - I hope it brings you happiness as you snuggle in with something warm and delicious and begin reading. Enjoy, friends!

the blog!

If I had to choose:

So Much To Do, So Little Time | Kitchen Update

Hello hello dear friends! Once again I find myself writing to you at night because for some reason, I just get a big wave of energy around dusk. I can’t fight it. I just run with it.

Before I tell you who our lucky winner is from my very first giveaway (!!!) I thought I would just give you a little update on the home front and what’s been going on ever since I shared my big news (have I said how wonderful you all are for all the love and support? And how you made me cry so many happy tears?? You’re the bee’s knees.)

If you’ve been following me on Instagram (if not you totally should!! It’s like my mini blog – I post more there than any other realm of social media. Come say hi!! :)) then you’ll remember that Paul and I started a pretty decent sized remodel on our kitchen. It was a project that started in our heads about 4 years ago and we finally got around to it. And although we started it at the end of March it’s still not done. (When will the madness end?!) We started by painting the kitchen walls and the process of painting all the cupboards. That turned into busting out the kitchen bar which then turned into new flooring. That turned into busting out the “computer desk” area which then turned into new countertops. That turned into new sink and faucet which then turned into new hood fan and then that turned into new back splash. Oofta! 90% of it is complete. We’re still waiting on the countertops to come in which will let us install the sink and faucet and the put up the new back splash – we’re so close!! So I thought I would show you a peek. :) I absolutely love it so far. I wanted a blend of café/Italian…I’m hoping it appears somewhat like that. :)

Here’s a before taken about two years ago – nothing had really changed (except we got new windows and curtains) up until a month ago.

Here it is with the new windows and curtains…

And here it is now!! The left photo is where that awful 90’s computer desk station was and the right photo is where the bar used to be!! Didn’t Paul do a wonderful job with the floor?! Ahh!! I love it! I actually LOVE sitting in my kitchen now. Weird!! :)

That’s the sneak peek so far! I hope you like it!! When it’s all done I’ll let you know what exactly we did and the colors we choose if you’re interested. :) I cannot WAIT for the counters to come in. Just you wait friends. :)

And when I’m not working on projects around here (I just started re-painting the deck and expanding our back garden – it’s just never-ending over here.) I come down into my little haven (my cousin told me I remind her of Charlotte from Pride & Prejudice: “This parlour is for my own particular use. Oh, Lizzie, it’s such a pleasure to run my own home.” Ha!! That’s exactly how I feel in my little room.) with my pot of tea and I paint the day away. I’ve been working on prints to put on my new website when it’s all done and running, so I thought I’d show you a little something I’ve just finished. It’s a 5×7 and I’m even planning on having it framed for our bedroom because really, it’s so true.

What do you think?! :) I just love it, especially the colors. It’s funny because I feel like I did when I first started photography – it took me such a long time to truly enjoy my own photos and after almost two years of water coloring, I finally like what I’m painting! It’s wonderful!! :)

Alright, it’s time for me to finish my tea (chamomile and lavender – the perfect sleepy combo) and dive into Harry Potter. But first, the WINNER!! I took your lovely names and numbered them, then put the numbers into a random number generator and…………………………..

NATALIE!!! You are my wonderful winner (and my kindred spirit friend :) – congrats my love!! I already have your address so I shall drop in a little letter and have it in the mail soon!! :)

And THANK YOU to the rest of you that entered!! You made my day. :) Until next time! Enjoy the beautiful weekend!! xoxo

  1. Natalie says:

    Oops, I didn’t realize my original post was there ;) Love Nat xx

  2. Natalie says:

    Dear Nikki, thank you so much for your lovely givaway. Your kitchen looks so lovely, I am in love with the windows and yellow cabinet :) xx I would so love to come over and enjoy that pot of tea with you whilst watching Pride and Prejudice :)Your watercolors have inspired me to practice as well :) I hope your having a lovely week and look forward to hearing about your meeting with Susan Branch :) Love, Nat

    • Nikki says:

      Hahaha you are the sweetest! I’ll take two comments from you any day! :) I hope your package gets to you soon!! :)

      PS. Right after this I’m planning on watching P & P and paint – kindred spirits think alike. ;)

  3. Natalie says:

    Your kitchen is looking so beautiful Nikki, I wish I could come over and enjoy that pot of tea with you whilst watching Pride and Prejudice ;) that sounds devine!
    I am loving your watercolours, they are truly artwork. I must practice mine too, you have inspired me!
    Thank you so much lovely for the giveaway, I really look forward to your letter as well xx Enjoy your week, lovely kindred spirit xx

  4. Nana says:

    Oh sweetie, I love love the kitchen.I would never of thought to paint a kitchen brown but it is beautiful.. Love you more and will see you soon..nana

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