For the past month I’ve been trying this new thing: morning reflections.
On a daily basis you can find me daydreaming randomly, especially at night when I should be sleeping. My mind runs too fast for its own good and it always seems to happen at night. This causes a problem because I just can never get to bed at a decent hour. For example, right now. It’s actually 1am on Wednesday morning and instead of sleeping I’m working into the night because I have too many things going through my mind. What does this have to do with morning reflections? I shall tell you.
About two months ago my lovely cousin wrote a post about writing in her diary and how it’s a good thing – this kicked off my desire to do something about these random thoughts. I’ve kept a diary for as long as I can remember – actually ever since I could write. So about 5 years old. I have so many full diaries that they have finally been stored in a large box under the house. My last diary had been started in 2008 and I still hadn’t finished it. In my defense it was really thick. And ugly. I couldn’t find any motivation to write in a bright lime green journal with a cartoon girl driving a sports car. So, after reading my cousin’s post I decided it was time to treat myself to a new diary. Shopping for a new diary was an unbelievable experience (I may sound dramatic but it’s just how much I love my diaries) – I was on the hunt for one with old paper. That was my one rule. While I was out at Michaels one lovely day, I found my newest friend; a beautiful, light pink, fabric diary tied together with twine. And the pages? As old as could be. No lines. Oh bliss. I made a pact with that little love to treat it and my thoughts like gold. And thus started my morning reflections.
When I wake up, there is one thing I really look forward to (besides seeing my man friend and my little love): a lovely pot of tea.
I know I haven’t been drinking tea for very long but it’s become a part of my soul. I’m not exaggerating.
Also in the mornings I enjoy the singing of the songbirds outside my kitchen window. It’s like a song I never want to turn off. If I were a bird person I would tell you which bird is my favorite, but unfortunately I know nothing of birds. Someday I will find out and let you know.
Even though I wouldn’t consider myself a “morning person” (when I would spend the night at my cousin’s house she would already be dressed, fed, and probably have read a book or two by the time I woke up) I truly do love mornings (if I get enough sleep – so I’ll probably hate them tomorrow, technically today). So I decided that the mornings would be my time. Rusty’s usually still tired in the morning (maybe he has too many thoughts in his little head too?) so he doesn’t usually need too much attention, the songbirds are out, the morning sun is just lovely in our dining room, and if a pot of tea is steeping, why not use this time to devote myself to my thoughts??
Let me tell you, on the days that I do write in the morning not only are my nights wonderful, but my days just feel so much better. There really is power with writing and reflection. And now that I actually make dates with my diary, I’m actually documenting more of our life and I’m just so happy about that (I got so bad awhile ago that it took me 4 months to write about our wedding!! Oh my goodness, I wish I could punch my past self and force her to write sooner…that’s a tad harsh but you feel my drift).
Anyways, if you ever feel like your head could bust, give writing a try. Perhaps with a lovely, old-paged diary. :) I guarantee you’ll thank yourself later. I’m so thankful I have all of my memories documented and am so thankful Mom and Dad bought my sister and I matching Little House on the Prairie diaries when we were so little thus beginning my writing journey. :)
PS. Rusty keeps squeaking and then growling in his sleep – somebody is having puppy nightmares. :)
Your new diary is so pretty–and it matches your tea set! Though I don’t think you do yourself enough justice about being a morning person. After all, I was an extremely abnormal child when it came to sleepover wakeup times. :)
Oh thank you two times my love! :) The creature in the basement loves her dago.