I'm Nikki, a creative old soul who loves tea time, tip-toeing through gardens, mounds of books, swaying to records, watercolors, sunset walks with our three yorkies, and star-gazing with Paul. This blog carries snippets of my life with just us two (five with Rusty, Lucy, & Ethel) - I hope it brings you happiness as you snuggle in with something warm and delicious and begin reading. Enjoy, friends!

the blog!

If I had to choose:

Behind the Scenes | 2013

I promise this is the last “review of 2013” post. But I couldn’t not put up our behind the scenes photos from 2013! Some of them are embarrassing, some not so flattering, but to be honest, these are some of my favorite photos (weird, I know). Like I’ve said before, photo shoots are kind of like dates for Paul and I (I know, weird again) and I love documenting us as much as we can. It’s always fun to go through photos after a session or wedding and see that Paul sneaked an attack on me with the camera – you never know what you’re going to get (also, Paul probably hasn’t seen the majority of the ones of him…surprise!!).  So, try not to judge us and our weirdness. :)

I think this wedding brought out the best in me…(PS. Thanks to Nick for all of the photos of us :))

See? No idea what’s happening here…

And the best in Paul...

I just don’t know.Paul is enjoying this a lot.

Don’t mind me. Just try to look lovingly into each other’s eyes.

He’s a good “Is the lighting good?” model for me.

And a good veil fixer.

Just hanging out.

He got trapped and had to go up 8 floors. Just kidding…maybe…

I try to model sometimes..

He’s not too thrilled when I make him model.

Ah! Love my little nephew :)

The secret’s out.

Ha! Favorite behind the scenes photo. Thanks Janelle! (How else do you expect me to get downwards-angle shots??)

I still need to watch a Youtube video on how to put on bout’s. It’s always a struggle as you can see by my face.

I hate when he sneaks up on me during the ceremony. I always have the weirdest expressions.

Got to give my bride and groom some love in their guest book! :)

Ha! Sorry Leigha but I love this one! :)

He lives on the wild side sometimes.

If Paul is not around, I use a chair. 

See?? Sneak attack again by Paul.

I still like him.

Whoop whoop Janelle! :)


Well hey happy guy! :)

I think I like the two random men on the top of hill the best.

Or I use a dock.

Helping out my bride. :)

Just helping Paul figure out his lighting.

Teaching the dip!

And again!

I love Christmas lights!!

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