I try to document ourselves during each session because even though taking photos is work, it’s also time spent with Paul. As weird as it may sound, working with Paul is almost as much fun as going on a date with him. We love venturing to new places, meeting new people, trying new ideas, and just being together. So, although Paul is not as great at documenting me as I am at documenting him – which is why you’ll see more of him than myself – here are some behind the scenes photos from this past year. Be careful. Some of these are not flattering photos of either of us. You might laugh at us and that’s okay.
We love hanging out by the lake (I need to work on my posture).
I love hanging out in the lake.
I tend to take a lot of photos like the next four below.
We like to practice the shot before putting the couples in their positions.
Paul is very handy when it comes to teaching people how to “dip”.
I’m handy when it comes to tromping (is that a word?) in less than desirable places to find good locations…
Or laying down in less than desirable places to get the desired shot (FYI, this shot did not turn out as well as planned – too many sticks in my way).
Unfortunately, we occasionally “photo bomb” each other.
That’s all folks! Have a wonderful Wednesday! :)