That’s right, another garden update!!! :)
Oh my goodness, I am just so excited about how our garden has turned out this summer! And I’ve almost kept my promise about not killing my plants. I will admit, one hydrangea has died. And we are always sad when we think about it.
However, I’m actually pretty proud of us. We really have learned a lot this summer and we are still really enjoying our yard. Talking about our garden is now a typical conversation (is that sad?? Oh well :)), buying plants is a date for us (still sad?? Oh well :)), watering the plants is no longer a chore but an opportunity to see our green babies grow, and we’re always excited to see what the new day holds for our garden!! It’s amazing to watch these things grow – I never really cared about it when I was little and could never understand why my mom and dad enjoyed it so much. But it really is amazing. Especially when you get to see so much growth in just a day.
I decided to take these photos closer to night time and show you a little bit of our yard when the sun goes down…:) Enjoy, friends!! Don’t let the heat get you down!!
I never liked the day lilies until this year. I’m so thankful the previous owners planted these all along the fence.
We found more hydrangea bushes that we love: Vanilla Strawberry!! The name alone sold us. They’ll be turning pink soon and I cannot wait!
Paul being the wonderful man friend that he is. We’ve decided to plan ferns in the big shaded area by our tree. Cross your fingers that it all turns out lovely.
Last time you saw we hung the shutters, but now we have flowerbed boxes!! Paul is so nice to me. He made these for me when I was working all day a couple weeks ago. And then we added fake flowers – that is why they’re so uniform. :) I can’t wait to change them in the fall with fall colors and then add berries and pine to them in the winter!! :)
They remind me of Dip ‘N’ Dots. :)
That middle green bush was all by itself in the way front of our yard so we decided to put him in between his brothers instead. We added a burning bush to his old spot – when it turns red I shall show it to you. :)
My phlox is finally blooming and I love how the pinks look with the blue hydrangeas. :)
And on those lovely summer evenings, you can find us out on our lit up deck. Perhaps enjoying some dinner or just watching the fireflies. :)