I had written to you right as the New Year turned, but then as you and I both know, sometimes things don’t get finished and life tends to spiral and we forget about something we had started so long ago. So, here I am, back to say happy, slightly late, New Year…although to be honest, it feels a bit too late to say that with everything that’s going on in the world. For me, it doesn’t feel like it’s been a good start.
Just like during Covid times, I tried to stay as positive as I could on my blog because we were drenched with enough negativity in the real world. I didn’t think it was fair to add even more from my corner of the internet. But, I will say that this year has already been weighing heavily on me and at times I feel angry. I worry for people, I worry for our earth, I worry for the future. I’m grateful to have a safe space to discuss my fears and concerns; my friends and cousins and Paul and online friends…we try our best not to read too much without taking breaks. We check in on each other to see how we’re feeling, and how we can help, not just us but our community and those in need.
Because I’ve been feeling powerless as I read and listen, I’ve been taking it out onto my art. I’ve gained the motivation to create the 2026 calendar and already have five pages complete in just a few weeks. I write messages on each page that will give others hope, that will remind them of the goodness in people and the world, that will reinforce that there is still beauty in this world, and to continue sharing love and kindness. There’s almost a passionate anger being released into the calendar, but one that is filled with hope, and a determination to love. I want to use my voice however I can.
I was talking to one of my cousins the other day, and although they also feel powerless, they are putting their love and efforts into helping their community with bagged lunches for the homeless. I admire them. They give me hope each time I talk to them.
If you are also someone feeling hopeless or powerless, find a way you can channel it for the greater good. Think of others, help others, be kind to others. I used to teach my 5th grade students a word when we would talk about conflict in history or even within our own classroom: sonder.
Sonder means the feeling a person has on realizing that every other individual a person sees has a life as full and real as one’s own.
This definition shook my students to the core. It’s easy to forget that the person tailing you is actually another human with family traditions, favorite childhood memories, personal issues, maybe experiencing the grief from losing a loved one, etc. Just as complicated as you are, so is every other human. The person who was cruel to you for no reason in high-school is going through similar life experiences as you; they made mistakes, they have unmet trauma, they don’t know themselves, etc. Having empathy for our fellow human is one of the greatest things we can do, especially now.
I might lose some readers to this blog because of voicing my concerns (and maybe in customers for my art), but I feel strongly that I can and should share my voice, especially if others feel they can’t. If you feel the need to unsubscribe, I’m sorry to see you go, but I am not offended. Our world is more divisive than ever and if you’re reading something you don’t agree with, it brings a lot of discomfort. If you do happen to leave, I wish you well, truly. And I hope you continue to find beauty and goodness in the world and continue sharing it with others.
I’ll be back soon — although it may not seem like it, I do have a lot of goodness to share with you. I’ll be starting the next blog post as soon as this is sent and then hopefully you’ll have a bit more cheerful post to come back to. :)
Sending you all hugs and love,
